
Weert Wind Farm is generating sustainable energy

Weert Wind Farm was officially put into operation on 10 June by the mayor of Weert,  Raymond Vlecken. The wind farm adjacent to the A2 motorway near Weert is expected to generate 30,000 MWh of green electricity per year, which is enough to power the equivalent of around 10,000 households. 

The construction of Weert Wind Farm took a year to complete. Energy cooperative WeertEnergie and energy company Eneco opted for a cooperative approach in the development of the wind farm. Not only were stakeholders in the immediate vicinity closely involved in the development of the plans, the starting point was also that the local community would benefit. On top of that, as many local and regional companies as possible were involved in the construction.

Gries Hej Windfonds community fund
In connection with the cooperative approach, the Gries Hej Windfonds community fund was established. It is expected that the wind farm will make some € 30,000.- per year available from the generated energy. These resources can be used to finance socially-conscious projects in the vicinity of the wind farm up to a distance of 3 kilometres from the middle wind turbine. A Foundation Board consisting of representatives from the different villages has been appointed to coordinate this and together decide which projects will receive a contribution from the fund. 

Eneco is pleased with the completion of the wind farm and the way in which collaboration was organised. Eneco Solar and Wind director Cees de Haan: “Global warming must be kept below 1.5 °C if we want to pass on a habitable planet to future generations. This is why Eneco is striving to be climate neutral as early as 2035 and investing in the production of more solar and wind power. We aim to do this in collaboration with others, taking into account everyone’s interests and the interest of society. In the case of Weert Wind Farm, this has all come together wonderfully.”

Chairman of WeertEnergie Kees de Korver: “We believe that investing in locally generated renewable energy now is important for our future. We do not want to do this on our own, but in consultation with and with the involvement of the local community. We are very proud that this wind farm allows us to contribute significantly to achieving the sustainability objective of the municipality of Weert."

Mayor of the municipality of Weert Raymond Vlecken: “The municipality of Weert is striving to become more sustainable and contribute to the energy transition. The current energy crisis underlines the importance of these topics. But this can only be achieved with the support of our residents and by properly integrating sustainable energy sources into our landscape. Together with Eneco and WeertEnergie we have been able to accomplish this by closely involving residents in the immediate vicinity in the development of the wind farm and with the establishment of the Gries Hej Wind fund, through which money flows back to the surrounding area every year.”

Weert Wind Farm
WeertEnergie and Eneco are working together on the development of Weert Wind Farm based on the shared conviction that we wish to realise sustainable energy in consultation with and with the involvement of the local community.